jueves, 16 de agosto de 2007

Project Children and South Texas Celtic Music Association

Project Children and South Texas Celtic Music Association

The Beginning – Political and Religious Violence in Northern Ireland
In 1975, Northern Ireland was a boiling pot of political and religious violence. Armed soldiers, rolling tanks, and surveillance cameras were everywhere, trying to keep the lid on. People were dying and children were growing up scared. Protestant and Catholic families were insulating themselves against each other - fleeing integrated neighborhoods in search of segregated enclaves. Project Children decided to do something to help the children.
Since that time, the political situation in Northern Ireland has changed substantially. Disarmament has occurred and major changes have occurred in government. Changes within local communities can move a bit slower, though. Long held feelings still separate families of different faiths.
A Solution
That summer we brought six kids from Northern Ireland (three Protestants and three Catholics) to Greenwood Lake, NY, where they lived with a host family. The idea was twofold. Most importantly we wanted to get the kids away from the violence and the paramilitaries who work double time recruiting kids during school breaks. We also wanted to show the Protestant and Catholic kids that they could live together and actually like each other.
Over the past twenty-seven years Project Children has turned despair into hope for more than 14,000 children from Northern Ireland. Project Children has given these children - Protestant and Catholics - a much needed break from the grim politics of their own country. Although political violence still exists, it is diminishing and Project Children adapts with the changing times by continuing its mission and including children living in poverty or whose family has been affected by the “Irish Troubles.” Some children have had a father or mother imprisoned most of their young lives.
The Benefits to the Children
By coming to the USA during the summer months these kids get an extraordinary chance to play together, live together, and understand each other. Prejudice is replaced by understanding thus hatred is replaced with love. Poverty is replaced by hope for a better tomorrow.
The plan has worked very well. For example, one of the Catholic boys became great friends with one of the Protestants. Years later, when the Catholic boy got married, the Protestant boy was at his side as his best man. Then the Protestant boy got married, and the Catholic boy was at his side, returning the favor. There are many stories like this from Project Children kids.
Project Children Continues to Grow
Project Children has grown a lot from the initial six kids in 1975 and the $1600 budget it took to bring them over.
Now, each year, Project Children brings over more than 600 kids and places them with host families in more than twenty states. The budget is close to a million dollars. None of it goes to salaries. It is accomplished through unpaid volunteers, host families, and area coordinators.
Once of the largest expenses is airfare. This is why groups like the South Texas Celtic Music Association and many others do fund raising for Project Children airfare expenses. We have groups in over 20 states helping with fund raising for these expenses. All are unpaid volunteers.
Why Second Life?
Well it was the South Texas Celtic Music Association and its board member (Avatar Dharma Austin) who shed light on the possibilities of awareness and support in Second Life. She is the spearhead and SL President of our efforts in SL. Donations are accepted at all the events or anytime at the island West of Ireland and Bundoran Reef. Events like live music, dances, a museum focusing on Celtic history, Irish-themed events from Hooleys to reciting the great Irish poets take place on the island. In addition Bundoran Reef showcases the great EPIC wave and is terraformed to look very similar to the “real” Bundoran Reef.
By bringing South Texas Celtic Music Association into SL she is accomplishing three goals:
Providing airfare assistance to Project Children kids.Increasing awareness of Celtic culture and music.
Established relationships with a new core group of volunteers world-wide.
*Both South Texas Celtic Music Association and Project Children are USA nonprofits with 501(c)3 status. Donations in Second Life may be tax deductible. Consult your accountant. South Texas Celtic Music Association is certified by Linden Labs as a charitable land holder

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