jueves, 16 de agosto de 2007

Reef Team Riders from 'West of Ireland'

The West of Ireland is a Second Life simulation (sim) that was first created by Dharma Austin, founded to support the programs of the South Texas Celtic Music Association (STCMA), a recognized 501(c)3 nonprofit organization in the United States. In addition, the West of Ireland was approved by Linden Labs, the creators of Second Life, as a certified nonprofit.

The primary purpose of the STCMA and the West of Ireland is to inspire, support, and enhance community efforts (both within Second Life and in real life) toward the study, performance, promotion, and preservation of traditional Celtic music, dance, and culture. We are committed to working with organizations, agencies, and individuals to develop partnerships that result in quality programming and good public decision-making. We offer our resources and services freely in a spirit of goodwill and generosity, ever mindful of our purpose.

STCMA has established a partnership with Project Children, an international organization that takes children from Northern Ireland on summer trips to stay with host families in the United States. Catholic and Protestant children are brought together in a calm and multi-cultural environment in an effort to overcome the stronghold of prejudices that have burdened Northern Ireland for so long. The STCMA raises funds for Project Children at its annual Celtic Music Festival and through the Second Life West of Ireland sim to pay the transportation costs for children participating in Project Children.

The West of Ireland sim supports the goals of STCMA and Project Children by providing an Irish and Celtic themed environment within Second Life and hosting a range of events that promote Celtic culture, expose a large number of people to the work of Project Children, and provide an opportunity to donate.

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